Roblox admin logo
Roblox admin logo

roblox admin logo roblox admin logo

If a player who does not have the badge claims to be an administrator or a moderator in a message somewhere on the website, they might be lying and it may be reported (as stated on the badge itself). In addition to this, administrators can also be identified by their chat messages, which are a contrasting gold. Many Roblox employees have the administrator badge on their profiles, and in-game they will have the Roblox logo next to their name on the player list, allowing users to distinguish them from regular players with ease. Roblox publishes a list of the jobs available and people can apply for these jobs.

roblox admin logo

They must also be at least eighteen years of age or older to have an actual job at Roblox. However, some contractors and employees are hired from all over the world: InceptionTime and several members of the international developer engagement team do not work at the headquarters, for example. In order to become a Roblox employee, the person is usually required to work at Roblox Headquarters in San Mateo, California or in Shenzhen, China.

Roblox admin logo